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Friday, December 18, 2009

Favorite Things Edition 4 & 5
So, guess what....my computer died. Big time. A new hard drive is needed and thank goodness for my friend R who is working on it because I'm saving boo-coo bucks on the repair.

Downside, I need a new hard drive.
And I'm now forced to blog on the work computer.

Oh. Wait. I already do that.

So, I need to continue with the 4th and 5th editions of my favorite things. One of which is not my computer because it chewed up and spit out my hard drive.

Item #4 Pioneer Woman's Cookbook

Hand to God people....this cookbook is amazing.

What I love about it is that it is good food, made easy with step by step photos. Step by step photos make my heart flutter because I don't know about you, but the likelihood of my finished dish looking like the one in the fancy-schmancy-photo-that-has-been-photoshopped cookbook. Her photos are real, and normal and make me feel like I too can make 9 pans of cinnamon rolls from scratch.

Oh. Wait. I have!

Item #3 Fix it and Forget it Lightly Cookbook

Here's the deal. I love my crockpot and the ease that goes with having it. However, there are only so many pot roasts that you can make.

This cookbook is wonderful because not only are the items in there a lower calorie, lighter version of your typical fare, but it tastes good.

I know! Crazy, right?
Good food with fewer calories? Who knew!
Let's put it this way....if the Big Guy likes what comes out of that cookbook, you will too.

There are other versions of the Fix it and Forget it series, so if you don't need to watch your calories, then you'll find more cookbooks to meet your needs.

Item #2 Penzey's Spices

If you would have asked me 2 years ago, "Ever heard of Penzey's?" I would have thought you were asking me about the play the Pirates of Penzance.

Come on. That was funny.

My future sister-in-law was the one who opened my eyes to Penzey's and I'm so grateful that she did. Now, I know that you can get a little can of spices from the grocery. And I know that you can even get spices in bulk (I know we do for the "common stuff").

But what I like about Penzey's are their spice blends. We love, love, love the Galena Street Rub for our chicken and pork chops. I wish it was summer right now. I want to turn on the grill.

The Big Guy loves the Chili 3000 seasoning. Which should not be mistaken for the BBQ 3000 when making chili. I should know. That's a story for another day.

They are pretty reasonable in price and last quite some time--so please don't feel that after one plate of pork chops or 1 pot of chili you'll need to order a new jar. A little goes a long way.

And for the number 1 favorite thing....

Item #1 philosophy 3-in-1's

I love these.

L-O-V-E, love, love, love these.
What does the 3-in-1 mean?

It's a shampoo.
It's a body wash.
It's a bubble bath.

How more amazing can that be?!?

What I love is that while showering I can indulge in mint chip ice-cream (without the guilt) yet not come out of the shower smelling like Cold Stone Creamery. Some people want that....they want to smell like their body wash day and night. Me? Not so much.

This stuff comes in great scents, too!

Vanilla Birthday Cake
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Red Velvet Cake
Gingerbread Cookie
Cinnamon Buns

This is wonderful stuff!

And there you have it, my blog friends. My 10 favorite things.
Here's a little something from one of my favorite plays, The Pirates of Penzance


Rebecca Jo said...

I keep hearing everyone say their computers are dying... its making me nervous for my 4 yr old laptop!!!

I have that slow cooker cookbook & LOVE it!

Caren said...

Back up!!! Oooh Raspberry sorbet sounds YUMMY...

Dorkys Ramos said...

That sucks about the computer. My PC's hard drive kicked the bucket over the summer and I lost EVERYTHING. Have I gotten a new one? No.

I agree, the Philosophy stuff is awesome.

Tater Mama said...

I think I'm going to have to get Ree's cookbook. (That sounds like she and I are such good friends, doesn't it?)

You should get the white chocolate Bliss candy, by the way. It's Christmas. You need white chocolate. I hear it's some sort of law or something.