Let's Connect!

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What Do These Women Have In Common?

So what do Valerie Bertinelli (you know...the actress from One Day at a Time, Touched by an Angel and the Jenny Craig commercials)....

Former First Lady Laura Bush (yes. Laura Bush)....

Author & Breast Cancer survivor Kelly Corrigan (you go girl....).....

Emmy Award & Oscar Winning actress Helen Hunt (I loved the show Mad About You....)....

And Author Lee Woodruff (he husband is Bob Woodruff who was the journalist who was injured in Iraq while doing a media piece...)....

What do these women have in common?
Besides awesome promotional photos?

They will be a part of the Smart Talk lecture series! If you remember, last year I got to attend the lectures of Phylicia Rashad and Diane Keaton. This year, the series is back and they have some amazing women set to lecture.

Never in my life would I have thought that I'd be attending a lecture outside of college. Then again, I'd probably attend more lectures in college if Helen Hunt or Former First Lady Laura Bush were giving them. Regardless, this isn't your typical lecture about how someone is trying to push their cause or get you to donate money to some organization.


While they may be celebrities, you often forget that you're listening to a celebrity and are listening to a woman who is just like you. As the press release says, "...The performers share their real, very personal views and life experiences in a way that is intimate, empowering and, above all, connected to the lives of women everywhere."

If you're interested in attending, check out the Smart Talk site and see if a lecture is happening near you!

Now....what would you ask each of these ladies if you had the chance? Give me an idea because honestly, I'm easily star struck and I need something to ask these amazing women!

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