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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Yes. That's 4 pounds of Butter....

This is what happens when you decide to make the Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls along with a Sweet and Salty Chex Mix for your co-workers.

I'd like to go on record as saying I had 1 cinnamon roll.
Just one.

We won't go into how much icing I licked out of the bowl though.
That's a story for a different day.


Little Dude's Mama said...

I've made her rolls twice, just as recent as this last weekend as a freeze-a-thon for the holidays. My question for you: did you use the maple icing? Or just a standard white/vanilla/powdered sugar variety?

Unknown said...

Oooo I need to go over & check out all of her recipes. YUM

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Oh, I love cinnamon roll frosting. Any frosting, really. In fact, I made 7-minute frosting the other day and practically chapped my finger from rubbing the bowl.

Mommas Soapbox said...

Licking the frosting out of the bowl doesn't count. You were just doing a little PRE-Washing for the dishwasher.

And I think the licking motion is such a workout for your tongue that it must burn more calories than you can consume in one lick.

That's my story.....and YES I'm sticking to it.....

I've got your back girl.... ;)