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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

That "No Material Gifts" Thing...


If a certain blogger, who took on a challenge to not buy anything new in 2010, or not give material gifts, decided to use a gift card, to buy a certain book, for a certain baby, for a certain baby shower, is that allowed? Or did they just break their own rules?

Of course, I'm asking for a friend.



Rebecca Jo said...

Hey, its not YOUR money you spent... gift cards are different - its not cash coming out of your account - so its ALL good... you didnt break any rules!

And this had to be in your list for exceptions... I mean, when an event like this happens, a little bend can happen - right?

Anonymous said...

If they had said gift card in their possession technically they did not purchase anything since they had the gift card and just exchanged it for a certain gift for a certain baby for a certain baby shower. So said blogger that is your "friend" did not break the rules. And most people think they need a lawyer to find the loopholes, just ask a mom!!!

Tara said...

Tell your 'friend' that this is within the rules. Gift cards are money already spent. The rules are only for you not to spend any money on material things... I mean your friend. =)

Amy said...

I agree with the others...it is an exchange not a purchase.

Tater Mama said...

I'm on board with the others. It's someone else's money that has already been spent. Plus, it's really a GIFT, so you have to use it! Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Said baby is not objecting!