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Monday, April 05, 2010

Mr. Steamy Also Buttons Your Shirts!

Have you seen this commercial? Here, check it out:

(OK...so the video couldn't be embedded. So, here's the link to the infomercial site, there's a video that plays in the corner of the site...watch it to see what I mean....click here to see it.)

If this thing (that looks like a dog's chew toy) can get out wrinkles and button all of my shirts while tumbling in the dryer, I'm all for it.

Somehow, I doubt it.


Rebecca Jo said...

Dang it - I cant get the video to come up & I'm all intrigued now...

jmmarshak04 said...

Geez, doesn't everyone button their shirts before washing them????

Tara said...

I love it. The older I get, the more I need infomercial stuff. They totally sell me!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Congratulations, Kelley. You're #2 on my pay it forward list. Please email me your snail mail info at hulagirlatheart@comcast.net so I can send you your gift. Thanks for playing along!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I use bounce sheets, but Mr. Steamy looks good! I will have to get one.

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

What if I don't want my buttons buttoned?