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Monday, June 28, 2010

Garden Photos....
Since I live in a townhome, I can't have a traditional garden. Which is probably a good thing because I have no desire to weed a garden.

I have found that doing a container garden is my cup of tea. No weeding required.

This weekend, I took some photos of the different flowers and plants in my garden. Check out what my little point and shoot captured (keep in mind I lowered the pixels from over 3000 down to 320 so they'd upload to blogger faster)....
My cherry tomatoes are starting to come in!

I have also decided to grow heirloom tomatoes. I love this photo of the tomato blossom!

The Big Guy told me that his mom used to plant Moss Roses every summer out on their farm. I thought that was very sweet!
Then I burst his bubble by saying, "Well, you realize I bought them because they were only $1 for a 6 pack?"

This little bee was doing his thing, not even knowing I was snapping his photo for the blog world to see....


Hula Girl at Heart said...

Nice blossoms...and I mean that in a floral way. ;)

My cherry tomatoes are teasing me with their greeness right now, too.

Anonymous said...

Your Grandma used to plant moss roses every year too. Only she called them Moth roses. Tried for years, couldn't get her to change!! love,mom