Dear Big Guy,
Remember on our wedding day when we said our vows and I promised to love you even if you pull the clothes out of the dryer and just leave them in a pile on the bed? Yes. We really had that in our vows.
Well, I think I should have also added, "I promise to love you even if you finish off a package of crackers and then tell me, 'But I just wanted a few, I didn't want all of those.' "
Tonight I was excited to have a little laughing cow and some crackers. I pulled out this box and looked inside.
Big Guy?
I hate to tell you this.....
But you did finish off the last of the crackers.
Believe it or not.
If this is the worst thing that happens, I've got it made, right?
After 18 years of being together, Ricky STILL leaves empty containers in the pantry where I think we have crackers, or chips or whatever... its a man thing...
I got my package!!!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!
I adore ALL of it! Instantly knew where I was taking my "faith" decoration. Had to hide the candy from Ricky - but ate one of them quickly anyways...And totally cant wait to read that book - I keep seeing it everywhere so was so pumped when I saw it in there! I took pictures & will be posting about it all soon so I can Pay it Forward now too!!!!
Crackers, schmackers, it's all good. After 22 years, my husband still drives me crazy over little things sometimes..and then I remember what a pain in the patootie I can be. Like when I leave the gas tank on empty. Or forget to set the alarm. Or.....
Ummmm...yeah...DH would be a spot on the carpet OR he'd better go get me some more crackers lickity split.
I have to admit, I do have a "hideaway" spot - just like his mom. It works! Though, the smaller the house, the tougher it is to find hidey-holes. :) I love you but HANDS OFF MY CARBS DAMMIT!
I love that you had the laundry in your vows! It's so true! We have a promise that we will never leave a carton of ice cream in the freezer with just one or two spoonfuls left.
Yes, you have definitely got it made. But after a while even those little things can become just so gosh darn irritating. That is when you must take a step back and regain perspective!
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