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Friday, August 06, 2010

An Oldie, but a Goodie....

I love, love, love the comic strip Calvin & Hobbes. It goes back to my college days, actually, when a girl on my floor had one of the comic books. I borrowed it, read it, laughed until I cried and was hooked.

In fact, when I worked at Girl Scout Camp, they made us have a "camp name"--this is really just a code name that you use all summer. I chose Hobbes.

Go figure.

I was looking through some of my books the other day and came upon these and thought I'd share.

For the record....Calvin in the Onion Suit still makes me laugh.
And possibly even snort.
But you can't prove that
Images from Google Images
And of course, if you've had a rough week.....

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

Those are all awesome... love the FAT one - haha!!!

how sweet is the "Fuzz Therapy" ... I think I'm going to start calling my dogs "Fur Therapy" now! :)