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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

You're Going to Blog About This, Aren't You....

Why yes.
Yes I am.

Yesterday I took a day off work to spend the day with 4 of my cousins on my mom's side. I am the oldest grandchild and since I'm also an only child, my cousins have always been like my siblings. We all get along very, very well and I can't believe how lucky I am to have them as a part of my family.

So, when my "little" cousin, Karla, asked me if I wanted to go with her and a few of the cousins to Valleyfair--the amusement park in Minnesota--I said, "HELL YEAH!!"

Well, it was probably more like, "Sure! Count me in!", but in my head I was definitely saying "HELL YEAH!!!"

We met.
We rode rides.
We had lunch.
We rode more rides.
We went to the waterpark.


And it was at the amusement park when I took photos that my cousins all said, "you're going to blog about this aren't you?" Duh. Of course I am.

We have decided that every year, from here forward, we are doing a Cousin's Only trip. Next year, we have talked about doing a lazy tube float down one of the many rivers. Whatever it is, I am excited to be able to do it.

Here are some photos from our day as well as a little video.
I'm off to go put some Noxema on my sunburned cheeks and nose.
Thankfully that is the only part of me that got sunburned.

What do you expect when the temp was 96 degrees and the heat index was 102?

The Riptide. The middle section rotates while you're splashed with water.

I opted out of that ride.

Me and my "little cousin" Savanna.

She's 17 and beautiful.

Even if she says she looks terrible in the photo.

After the waterpark, Savanna and I got mini-donuts.

I ate mine in exactly 2.75 seconds. I'm a sucker for mini-donuts.

Karla, Robert, Spencer & Savanna on Power Tower.

You know the ride....the raise you up slowly and drop the bottom out?

Robert didn't want to go.

They made him.

I'll give you one guess on what Robert thought about this ride.

(this was taken as the ride ended).

This is Steele Venom.
I agreed to take a big girl pill and go on this ride.
Looks innocent enough, right?

Here we are in line for Steel Venom.
Notice everyone is barefoot.
This should be a BIG SIGN that this is not your average ride.
Check out the video clip below.
This is from YouTube where someone took video on the ride.
You go from zero to 60 MPH in less than 3 seconds.
Let's just say I screamed like a little girl.
But I LOVED IT and would do it again.


Mark said...

How was someone actually able to record that ride while on it? I would have puked all over the place.
Looks like a fun time.
Take care, m.

Jason, as himself said...

Doing this kind of thing in that kind of heat makes it all so much more tiring. But it looks like you had a great time anyway. Yikes!

Rebecca Jo said...

You know your a true blogger when everyone knows your going to blog about something!

You couldnt pay me enough money to ride that ride... oh geez... I'd be like Robert... those arms crossed totally cracked me up... I have pouted on many a ride I didnt want to ride!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

The YouTube video? Great for my diet!! Goodbye breakfast... sorry to see you go.