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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Sometimes Life is Rough....
Sometimes life can be so rough.

Like swinging from rope swings at the lake and your uncle tries to get the perfect photograph....

Or puppies (yes...he's still a puppy!) who get to splash in the lake and then have to be tied to the cabin so he doesn't run away.....

Or 6 year olds who have to wait so long to open up presents and birthday cards.....

Or Culvers Cookie Dough Custard Cake that will certainly add 4 pounds to my expanding waist line (but it was worth it)....

Or campfires that seem to glow and glow and never burn out....

Yep. Life is pretty rough sometimes.
But I'll take it.


jmmarshak04 said...

Really nice pictures of Maximus. And Buzz's ship was the first thing built when we got home.

scargosun said...

Love the pics! Looks like an awesome time

Mark said...

You're such a Trooper!
By the way, my kids would die for that lake.
Your Friend, m.

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

What beautiful "puppy"!! Looks like my kind of weekend! Any chance your family is looking for adoptees?

Tater Mama said...

Looks like a fun trip, but OH MY WORD! THAT CAKE! I'll be thinking about that for the rest of the day.