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Friday, November 26, 2010

Why I Love my Friend Amy...
In my last post I shared with you the amazing nesting calendar my friend Heather made for the upcoming birth of her babies.

Because this calendar included brightly colored post it notes and sharpie pens, Amy got very excited and had to include her own notes to the fridge.

At the bottom of the fridge are the possible baby names for the twins (by the way...they're having a boy and a girl). These are in no order what-so-ever. Amy, of course, took it upon herself to add her own choice names to the list....

And because the babies are due so close to Amy's birthday, she had to add this too...

Our conversation went like this:
Amy: OH! I forgot to add my birthday to this calendar
(grabs posts it and sharpie pen)
Amy: there! Done!
Kelley: (grabs camera) You know why I'm taking this photo right?
Amy: Well, duh. I know this will end up on your blog.

Well. There you go.


Jason, as himself said...

Lemonjello? Lemonjello?

Sandra said...

Well of course you're going to blog about it!
I have some suggestions for the baby names as well! Check it out: Smiley and Toasty! Perfect, right? Right?

Anonymous said...

Hee, hee.