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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful & Blessed...
Well. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.
Raise your hand if you're hosting Thanksgiving at your house....

*raises hand*

Tomorrow I'll be hosting Thanksgiving for myself, the Big Guy, his parents, and his auntie. We'll have the traditional stuff on the menu...turkey, stuffing, potatoes, dessert and the drunken cranberries.

I don't have a gas oven so I don't have to worry about burning down the kitchen.

Everyone tends to talk about what they are thankful for during this time of year. Honestly, I'm thankful for everything that I have in my life. Good friends, amazing family, great husband, decent health, grateful for a job, a roof over my head....

and cheesecake in the fridge.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.


Rebecca Jo said...

haha!!! I read the one sentence quickly & thought it said, "I DONT HAVE GAS SO I DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT BURNING DOWN THE KITCHEN"

I thought, whew - lady, you need to see a doctor about that if you can burn down a kitchen with your gas! :) haha!!!

have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Dorkys Ramos said...

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I can't wait to head to Mom's tomorrow, stuff my face and bring back some leftovers. Mmm, leftovers.... :p

Mark said...

Rebecca Jo made me laugh.

Okay, you, have a great day and we'll see you next week. Remember, your Mother-In-Law is coming. Don't dry out the Turkey.


Caren said...

Happy Thanksgiving Kelley! My my..this is your first "married" thanksgiving. Guess you guys have lots to be thankful for this year,