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Friday, January 28, 2011

25 Years Ago Today....

I was at Tuesday School.  Don't know what Tuesday School is?  For our community in southern MN, it is when the Lutheran kids in 8th and 9th grade go to church for confirmation classes.  I'm not sure why in the world it was on a Tuesday, but it was.

We went to church, did our lessons and were excused to catch the bus back to the junior high school.  It was snowing and gloomy outside, so we were standing in the entryway waiting for the bus.  As we were standing there, the church secretary came out and told us.

"Did you hear?  The Challenger exploded."

Where were you when the Challenger exploded?


Mark said...

I totally forgot that that was today.
Of all places for me to be, was the library in school. When the librarian heard, she turned on the t.v. and we all watched the news together. For once, we were all quiet in the library.

Rebecca Jo said...

OH MY GOSH... 25 years ago!!! I remember that... I was in school as well & I can remember we were watching it because that was when the teacher got to go up! And our science teacher had applied & made it far along in the proceess... & then that happened...

I can remember my mom crying when I got home ...

25 years ago... crazy how some memories stick with you like they were yesterday

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Wow... I remember being in the lunch room at work where the ladies would gather to watch The Young and the Restless. They broke into the show with the news. I remember almost not believing my eyes because this was one of the first really televised tragedies brought to the public almost 'live'.

Amy said...

I was in 10th grade. As I left Spanish class there was a crowd at the big glass window in the hallway looking into the library where the replay was on TV, over and over and over again.

Jason, as himself said...

I was in my eleventh grade English class. My teacher turned the TV on and we watched it. Over and over.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

My senior year at Murray State. I walked into a theater class and was told by a classmate. I was highly annoyed that our teacher didn't feel the need to let us process that information in any way and immediately pushed us into our work. He was always such an arse.