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Friday, May 20, 2011

Farm Friday:  Inhaling Sunshine

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“It’s the best feeling in the world to take sheets off the bed, wash them, hang them on the clothes line to dry and put them right back on the bed.  It’s like you're inhaling sunshine.” –The Big Guy

I couldn’t agree more.

(But I didn’t put those sheets back on the bed)

(I feel that if I don’t rotate the sheets in the linen closet I’ll keep using the same ones and they’ll wear out.)

(same with the towels)

(you do that too, right?)


Caren said...

J E A L O U S!!!! It has done nothing but rain here...forever. Praying for a nice sunny day this weekend. Just one!!!! Please!!!

Sounds like you are enjoying your new digs!

Mark said...

Yes I do. m.

Rebecca Jo said...

Heck - I've got bigger problems then rotating sheets/towels... I'm still trying to get the hubs to hang my close line UP!!!! :)

Tater Mama said...

Well, I usually pull the sheets out of the dryer and put them right back on the bed. It saves me from having to fold them, as the fitted sheet and I get into a terrible argument every single time...and the sheet usually wins.