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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Pinterest Project: House Rules.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  I LOVE PINTEREST.

One of the blogs I read, Young House Love, is having a pinterest challenge today to show off projects that you've made or have been inspired to create based on something you've seen from pinterest.

Here is what I've decided to create:
(I'd give credit as to where I found this, but the link no longer works--it was for someone's Etsy shop.  If this is yours--let me know!  I want to give you credit and link to your store!!)

I knew that the letters were stenciled on, but I didn't want a plaque that big.  When I saw this old camping chair....

I knew that was exactly what I needed.  
The Big Guy helped me out by cutting off the rivets.

And soon, we went from this....

to this...

I then, took off the hinges, painted the chair with a bit of white paint left over from our various wall painting adventures this winter.  

I went to JoAnn's and found smaller stencils and penciled out what would be our house rules.  Some stayed the same.  Some were different.  But they are "us", and the Big Guy even said, "hey!  I like that!"

I then painted in each letter...
And wala.....
The finished product.

What I learned...
  • This is actually the 2nd set of rules.  The first set (photo evidence below) didn't turn out.  One of the reasons I didn't like it was because the paint was too thick.  It didn't dawn on me until 1/2 way through the project to thin out the paint a little with some water.  The result was easier painting, but the first half of the project looked gloopy and messy.
  • I wanted to outline the letters to make them pop.  Originally I decided to use a thin marker, 


I thought I'd get done faster with a thicker marker.  Well...it just made it look really, really, messy.  That and it made it look like a 5th grade art project.
I haven't been in 5th grade in, like, forever.  So....  

I may take a belt sander to it and start over.
Or toss it in the burn barrel.  


Rebecca Jo said...

look at you Ms Crafty!!! :) I am finding all kinds of projects I want to make off Pinterest too! Its if I ACTUALLY do it though! Look at you actually creating! LOVE IT!

Dont ruin it - I bet someone would buy it :)

And you have the other side of the chair, right? To do another one! Its like with any project - you get better with each one you do... so keep practicing, give the ones you dont like as "gifts" :) & then you'll have one that's just perfect! :) I think it looks great!

(Love the big guy in his protective wear)

Mercedes said...

How crafty. The rules are pretty awesome. Maybe one day I will get around to it. Pintrest has got me wanting to do sooo many things.

Mark said...

Well look at you! All artsy and stuff. Good Job. I don't have an artistic bone in my body so my hat goes off to you.
Well done! m.

Laura Porras said...

That is so cool! Love your rules - now I can't stop thinking about what our family rules should be. Thanks for sharing!

ARK said...

I love that you took the inspiration and flipped it around to work with something you already had - brilliant!

Megan said...

What a great idea!! I've been looking for something similar--so thanks for the inspiration to actually do it.

and.... I'm a MN native, currently in Virginia where my husband is stationed... The "dont-cha know" made me laugh.


Unknown said...

Love hearing and seeing how it really goes on a project. With 4 kids and working full time I don't tap into my creative side enough. Oh and really enjoy your way with words.....makes me smile ;-) Now all we need is a picture of it in/on your home....it's current place of honor if you will. I love your rules and as Laura said...keep thinking about what our family rules should be! Thanks Kel!