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Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Recycling is what Pinterest is about, right?

Not only recycling old stuff into something new.
But also recycling posts I've already done on this blog.

Recycling.  It does the earth good.
Or my blog posts.
You get the idea....

Over at Young House Love  (and Bower Power, and House of Earnest) they're doing another Pinterest Challenge to share what you've made, inspired by Pinterest. I love this because it inspires me to do more fun, creative stuff!  (I told my mom the other day that I was working on a project that I found on Pinterest.  I said, "yeah...it's my new thing."  She replied, "I think Pinterest is your new thing..."  Yep.  It is.)

Anyway, I've done a lot of fun things from Pinterest.  The first time they did this challenge, I showcased my House Rules.  Here's some of what I've created since then (if you want to see more details, you can click the post where I showcased the project.  Links are below)....

1.  Re-purposed China Cabinet:
I saw this:

And thought, "what do you know.  I have one of those in the garage."  It went from this:

to this....

and when we buy our first (and only) house, it will be used as a linen storage in a guest room.  To see the original post, click here.

2.  Chalk Board from an Old Window:
I saw this:

And upon taking some brush and weeds out to the back-40 at the farm, found a stack of old windows.  I thought, "hey.  I could make a fun chalk board out of that!"  It went from this:

to this....

and I have more compliments on how cool that is and friends asking me to make them one--crooked hooks and all (ha!).  Sorry friends, this was the only single-pane window I found.  It's all mine and you can't have it.

To see the original post, click here.

3.  Rag Wreaths
This is my new project.  I am LOVING these.
I saw this:

And thought, "SUPER CUTE!!"  I also thought, "I could do that and not get bored and quit 1/2 way through!"  So, I picked up the supplies and wala....

A cute little autumn wreath!  I have stuff to make a Christmas one too! 

Here are my tips:
*Be sure to use fabric that is similar in feel.  Thinner fabric works best.  Anything with glitter or metallic thread woven through it can be a little thicker and a little tougher to tie.
*I double knotted to get the wreath to be fuller. 
*Don't worry about the strips of fabric (they measure approx. 1 inch x 6 inches) being "perfect".  They're tied to a wire wreath frame, no one is going to notice.  Trust me.

Total cost?  About $15. 
I have this down to a science.  I can watch 5 episodes of Sex and the City or 5 episodes of Friends (all on DVD), and get this done.  Perfect for a Sunday afternoon on the couch. 

So, head on over to Young House Love and see what people have been inspired to make from Pinterest!  And if you want to follow me on Pinterest--go for it (my little link it over on the left). 

Though lately I am finding that I am pinning food...which explains why my pants are tighter than normal...