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Monday, January 30, 2012

Pinterest Review: Green Smoothie

Like a lot of people, I made a resolution to eat better and move more in 2012.  Well.  It was after my doctor gave me a finger wag about my health and said, "With all the heart issues in your family--don't you think it's time to start taking care of yourself.  Oh.  And here's a cholesterol perscription."

I'm on cholesterol meds at the ripe age of 4-0.
That was a wake up call for me.  A big one.

So, I'm walking at least 4 days a week before work in the school gym.
I'm keeping a food journal (I'm only writing down what I eat...not counting anything).
I'm doing what I can to eat more fruits and veggies.
You know.  The stuff we're supposed to do.

On pinterest, I found this (click the photo to visit the original blogger's post)....

OK.  Let me be honest.  This looks absolutely gross.  Like pea soup.  I don't like pea soup.  The idea of  drinking this made me think about how I could slip in a shot of something to ease the pain of choking this god-awful looking thing.  

But seriously?
It's really good.
Like REALLY good.

Here's my Real Deal review of the Green Smoothie.....


  • Easy to make
  • Directions are easy (I mean, it's a smoothie.  There's nothing hard about this)
  • It is all fruit and veg:  banana, 1 cup of frozen fruit, handfull of spinach and water.  I use a smoothie packet from the grocery (in the frozen juice aisle) and it's a lot cheaper and easier for me portion wise.
  • The blogger has great FAQ's like, "If you don't like bananas, try this...."
  • I couldn't find one!
Imagine how surprised I was that this was excellent and so easy to make.  I make up a weeks worth of smoothies, and freeze them in 1 cup containers.  I take it to work and have it for a mid morning snack.  I love good food that is easy.

I promise.  You don't even taste the spinach.
Cross my heart.

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