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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Fun Little Kink....

Yesterday I sent a text to the Big Guy saying we needed to narrow down our dates for the trip to the UK. He told me what dates worked for his schedule and I started playing around with flights.

Do we book a one way ticket to Scotland and a one way ticket back from London?
Do we book round trip from one city?
What to do, what to do?

And then....I found very reasonable flights (in fact, $250 cheaper, per ticket than what I saw recently) that included up to a 48 hour layover in....

image from google images


Reyjavik, Iceland!

I proposed this idea to the Big Guy and his reply was, "Are you kidding?  I've always wanted to go there!"  Who would have thought that this would have been on the table?  Had I not gone to the Iceland Air website directly, I would have never come upon this!

Iceland--you better not disappoint!


Hula Girl at Heart said...

Cool!! Literally. Oh, that's just fabulous. Take lots of pictures. Can you stow me away in your bags?

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Holy Hannah Montana!!! That's perfect! Oh, I can't wait to see your photos!!!

Rebecca Jo said...

OHHH - I thought your comments were off, that's why I hadnt been commenting ... I've still been around though :)

Iceland? BRRRR... (No, I know its not really cold)
it looks like an adventure!!!

Stasha said...

Have a smashing time. Many people I know fly with Icelandair back to Europe and love it.