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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Where the Rubber Meets the Potato--an Update


In the post I wrote on Monday talking about the soybeans and how it flowers before the beans grow?  I shouldn't have been so surprised.  I mean, tomatoes do the same thing.  As do peppers.  

So, why on earth did I believe a post on the interwebs that said, "when the potato plant flowers and then dies off, the potatoes are ready."

I was so excited when I saw this in our garden over the last 8-9 days....

Flowering?  Done!
Plant dying off?  Check!
Clearly it must be ready.  The interwebs said so!

So, I pulled the tires off.
Pulled the dirt out.
Pushed the dirt around.
And around.
And around.

Low and behold! 


Thankfully we still have this plant going strong. 

Well played interwebs.  Well played.

Edited to add:  I looked at the U of M agriculture site and that information WAS correct however I learned that seed potatoes often sold in stores (like mine) are often treated for better storage over the winter, therefore often preventing good germination.  

Note to self:  buy seed potatoes somewhere else for next year.


Rebecca Jo said...

How exciting!!! I would feel like a kid digging in the ground!!!

FYI - in my co-op basket, the potatoes I'm getting are itty-bitty too - so it may be normal :) Without all the steroids & yucky stuff added, maybe that's just normal size?

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Please tell me you cooked and ate the little sucker!

Mark said...

Okay, we'll be right over for dinner tonight. Hope you can stretch that baby!