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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


In a week the Big Guy and I head off to the UK.

I am excited! I love the UK.

I am also nervous. Why? I have no idea other than the fact that we travel for pretty much 24 hours.

That and I worry that the Big Guy or I may come home alone. Ha!

Anyway....I know my mom, in-laws and even some friends will want to see pics. Soooooo, I am testing out the Blogger iPad app. Because right now have a love/hate relationship with blogger on the iPad.

Technology can be such a pain sometimes.

So....please " pardon the dust" while I test out things.
Like this picture from my iPad photo gallery.

(not too exciting, I know....but at least the photo upload worked!).

1 comment:

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to see your pictures!!!