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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Q&A of the Day, October 17th...

Ever have one of those mornings when you don't want to get out of bed because the room is just at the right temperature....the bed is just at the right comfort level....the blankets are just at the right level of softness and snuggle-like....the pillow is just right...the cat isn't walking all over you to get up and get her fed....your husband isn't snoring/tossing/turning/stealing the blankets?

I had that this morning and it was delightful.
I didn't want to get out of bed!

I love that.

So, today's question could go a million different ways depending on how you intrepret it.  

What is the most valuable thing you own?

Immediately I think of a material possession, which we don't have.  We don't have expensive paintings, jewelry, or antiques.  We just don't!

So I'm taking a different spin on this one, today.  I'm going with the most valuable thing I own?


I'm the most valuable thing I own.
I want to take care of myself the best that I know how, not only so that I can be here as long as possible, but so that I can be here for the Big Guy as long as possible.

Its also emotionally driven, too.  I think we are often way harder on ourselves than we need to be.  We need to surround ourselves with those who lift us up and encourage us.  We need the life lessons, too.  Sometimes being knocked on your ass isn't such a bad thing.  

But that's where I'm going with this question today.

What about you?
(and if you want to share a material possession as your "valuable thing"--go for it! Please don't feel you have to be all touchy feeling, psychological on this one....)

1 comment:

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

I love your answer to this one! It's refreshing when women take pride in themselves but don't take it overboard - you know what I mean.

For me the most valuable thing in my life is my marriage (after myself, of course :) I never thought I'd EVER be married and now look at me!