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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Q&A of the Day, October 30th...

I had to read the question today twice.  At first I thought there was a typo.
But I don't think there is one, which changes the question quite dramatically.

Are you able to tell when you have enough?

When I first read this, I thought it was "had enough".  My initial reaction was "of course?  can't everyone?"  But then I realized, it was "have enough".

That changes everything.

My answer:  no, I can't.

It isn't so much about material things--like having too many DVD's or books....or realizing that you have 12 jars of tomato paste, yet buy 4 more at the grocery because they're on sale.

I'm looking at this from the perspective of living the fullest life.
I know. 
I know.
That sounds all philosophical.  

But think about it.
Are you content with what you have?  
My life isn't perfect.  I have struggles.  All kinds of struggles.  Personal struggles.  Struggles in my marriage with the Big Guy (who doesn't!?).  Struggles with money (like saving wisely and spending wisely).  We all have them and we're normal for having them.

But I sometimes wonder if I were 80-something years old, would I be happy with my life at 40-something?  Would I be proud of my choices?  Would I be able to say, "Yes, you DID have enough!" or would I say, "I wish I had...."

So, while I struggle with realizing what I have and being content with it....I am hopeful.

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