Let's Connect!

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Friday, October 04, 2013

Q&A of the Day, October 4th...

Happy Friday!

I'm impressed that I've done this whole Q&A thing for a week.  Then again, it's only been a week!  ha!  This weekend, the Big Guy is off from work, and we have plans to go see Gravity.  As I mentioned earlier this week, I will likely be hiding behind my popcorn bag wondering, "how in the hell will they get out of this mess!"

So.  Speaking of the Big Guy...this question is appropriate:

Q&A of the Day, October 4th...
In 3 words, Describe your Love Life

I am notorious for comparing my relationship with others.  
And I have to stop it.

My relationship with the Big Guy isn't perfect. 
We argue.
We gripe.
We nitpick.

But we talk.  And often about the not-so-sweet stuff.  We are not the best communicators, but we are definitely communicating.  

Our love life?
Well, sure, it could be better.  
But you know what:  we are learning.

those are my 3 words.

Every hour, of every minute, of every stinkin' day.
We. Are. Learning.

This is kind of a racy question, so I don't expect anyone to participate. 

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

Ohhh... that's good.

I would say ours is something like, "HOT HOT HOT"...& I totally laughed typing that because its totally for a laugh. I'm thinking more of how to shorten the commandment of "Thou shall not murder" :) KIDDING!!

Oh my - just the previews of Gravity gives me panic attacks!