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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Q&A of the Day, October 8th...

I am LOVING today's question.

Love, love, LOVE.

Q&A of the Day, October 8th...
What is your biggest dream?

I love dreams.  I believe that they are what keep us alive in our soul.

(oh.  deep thoughts this morning!)

No, seriously.  I do.  
I have so many dreams, that I don't think any of them are bigger than the other.  They include:

  • Making a difference for the students my college serves
  • Being content--in my job, in my family, in my home
  • Being that person that people can count on
Of course, I have fun dreams too....
  • Traveling to all the major continents:  Asia, Australia, South America, Africa.  Sorry, I have no interest in Antarctica.  
  • Swimming with Dolphins
  • Visiting all the National Parks in the US
  • Adopting a child
The list goes on and on.

If you'd like to share your dream(s) (big or small)--go for it in the comments!

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

My dream was always to do something with weddings... & look, I do wedding photography now. Dreams come true!!! :)

My other dream? Boston Marathon baby!!!... but guess I need to learn to run a regular marathon first :)