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Monday, October 07, 2013

Q&A of the Day, October 7th...

Happy Monday.


Why are weekends so short?  Maybe our gov't can work on a 4 day work week for everyone.  Mandatory Friday (or Monday) off.  I mean, they changed daylight savings time, didn't they?  But considering they can't pass a budget (don't get me started) I doubt we'll see a change in THIS anytime soon.

Well, today's question is interesting because the day really hasn't started yet.  But I'll give it a whirl....

Q&A of the Day, October 7th....
Are you happy with your choices today?

So far?  Yes.
Though the weather is turning colder and as a result it is a game of Clothing Roulette in our office.  You either made a good choice, or you didn't based on the temperature.  Currently our college campus is getting a major renovation.  As a result, many of us are in temporary work spaces.  My office (I work out of the President and Vice President's offices) is in the old child care center.  FOURTEEN of us (yes.  14) are smashed into this space with cubicles scattered every which way.  Every day I hear the folks in HR complain because it's too cold.  Yet I'm sitting here sweating my rear end off.  As a result, I have to dress in layers.  

So, later today I'll either be thankful for what I'm wearing, or I'll be sitting in front of the small fan I have on my desk, wishing I picked something different.

You know the drill by now....feel free to share your answer (if you'd like) in the comments!

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

My choices TODAY? ... no... I wore dress shoes instead of flip flops ;)