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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Q&A of the Day, November 21st...

Today in MN we are getting hit with our first blast of snow.  The snow that is supposed to stick around.  I know I live here willingly and I could, if I wanted, move to warmer climates--say, San Diego?

I don't mind snow....but feel it should fall the day after Thanksgiving, and melt by mid January.  

And I predict we'll get more snow than anticiapted and it is the Big Guy's fault.  
Because he moved the snow blower into the garage yesterday.


Anyway.  Today's question is a fun one:

What are your favorite shoes?

Short answer?  Any shoe that is comfortable.

But a shoe currently in my closet?  
Standing on the street in London.
In the rain.
(rain?  in London? Go figure!)

My herringbone Nike's.
I got these at the Nike outlet about 8 years ago and I love them.  
They even went with me to London.  Probably not the BEST shoe choice as they don't have the best arch support (OK.  Geez.  Who am I?  Old Aunt Gertie?)

But they are as cute as can be and I get tons of compliments on them.  They're a design that folks have never seen and they always ask about them.

I'll need to put them away though because they now need to be replaced with my winter boots.

It's the Big Guy's fault.   

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