Let's Connect!

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Q&A of the Day, November 19th....

So, today's question has me laughing.
Laughing quite a bit actually.

When was the last time you checked an online social network?

About 2 minutes ago.

I love social media.  Love it.
I love Facebook.
I love Instegram.
I like Twitter (I don't really use it all that much)

Love it.
But I have to admit that I think I love it, too much.  I think I check it as often as I do because I'm bored.  And if that's the case, why not find something to do, right?  At work I actually have it set on my computer to only allow 20 minutes for the whole day on Facebook.  Once my 20 minutes is up....I can't access it again until the following morning.  I did this because I knew it was a time waster for me.  A big one. 

What about you?
Do you love social media?  Do you find that you're on it a lot?  Or not really at all?

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

My name is Rebecca & I'm a social media addict