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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Oh my God, oh my God you guys.....

No, this isn't a post about my favorite musical, Legally Blonde (it's the best--and coming to Minneapolis in April....look out!). It's about the fact that I feel like I'm 15 all over again.

It was 1989 (OK, I wasn't 15 then. I was 17. Work with me here).

And a little boy band was occupying all my free time.

I had their posters.
I had their CD's.
I had most everything else they had out on the market (read: I did NOT have the bedsheets).

I went to their first concert in Minneapolis at the old Met Center (which is now no longer standing and instead that land now holds the Mall of America. Amen.). I made my mom call for tickets and when she got them, she called the school and had the school secretary bring me a note to homeroom.

The note had 3 little words.

We. Got. Them.

Who am I talking about? Here's a hint:

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh....oh, oh, oh, oh....oh, oh, oh, oh, oh....the right stuff.

Yes. It's true. New Kids on the Block.

Now, before you start telling me that they should be old men on the block. I want you to check out how they look now....

Time has done them well, hasn't it?

Their new CD, The Block, drops today (Tuesday, Sept 2).

Am I headed to Target at lunch time? Nope.
Am I headed to Best Buy on the way home? Nope.


I already pre-ordered my copy through iTunes.

CD's are so 1989.

Photo's were found online at Starpulse.com.

1 comment:

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Ha! A friend of mine who missed out on seeing them when she was in fourth grade recently saw them. She is now a sophomore in college, and was thrilled!