Let's Connect!

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Today is the day...

I am getting my last few things packed and then I'm on my way to the 3-day Walk!

More to come on Monday....

Say a prayer if you've got 'em...we need all the help we can get!

Oh, and one other quick announcement....

Happy 30th Birthday, Chris Wanless!

Yes. This is Chris.
Yes. He's in a 'fridge.
Yes. This was at camp.
No. You shouldn't ask.


Hula Girl at Heart said...

Good luck!! And if at some point you think about stopping...DON'T! You'll be amazed at what mental strength will do for you. If you ever allow yourself to think you can't finish, you will talk yourself into stopping. You go girl!!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Come home in one piece!

You CAN do this!!

Go Kelley!!!

Janice said...

We're all rooting for Amy's Angels!