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Friday, November 21, 2008

An Oldie, But a Goodie....

Today over at SITS (Secrets in the Sauce) they are having a "Dear...." link up.

I did one of these to our neighbor lady who yelled at me this summer for parking in a space that was for visitors (which, I didn't know it was for visitors).

You can read all about it here.

And while you're reading that....I'll be leaving work early today to head up to see Amy and one of my other college friends, Heather. We are off to see Twilight and make cards for the Cards by Amy's Angels project (haven't heard of the project? Click here for details.)


Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Please say hi to Amy!! Have a great weekend and enjoy the balmy weather! HA!

Aubrey said...

Hope you have some great girl time! Sounds like it's going to be fun!!