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Friday, December 12, 2008

My Brush With Fame at 7:05 a.m. (sorta)....

It was 5 degrees this morning. I was bundled up in my orange Lands End parka, black hat, mittens, and carrying my lunch bag and purse.

I got off the cold bus (the heat wasn't working) at the corner of 9th St. and Hennepin Ave. next to the Chambers hotel.

The Chambers hotel, is very, very swanky.

So swanky that at 7:00 a.m. they have valet parking for breakfast.


Anyway, I walked past the Chambers hotel and noticed a small hotel-like shuttle bus filled with people. Behind it, was a dark tinted window, black, shiny, Cadillac Esclade SUV. Behind it, another SUV. And behind that, a giant tour bus.

With Will Smith's face on it.

Will Smith is in town today promoting his movie Seven Pounds. He's also doing some local charity work with Second Harvest and even attending a premier of the movie in Edina later tonight.

I was this close to seeing Will Smith leave the Chambers hotel and go to his radio interviews this morning.

Oh well. At least I can say I saw the car he was going to ride in.

And to make things even better, here is the video of the trailer for Seven Pounds.

The funny thing is, I stood on the corner at the end of the block and continued to look back at the hotel hoping to catch a glimpse of the man himself.

Then I doubted that he would stay the Chambers and be up so early. That it was probably movie people rather than the Will Smith.

But then again, if I had a bus with my face on the side of it, I'd want to be a part of that entourage too!

I mean, a bus with your face on it just ties it all together...don't ya' think?


Shelley said...

I would have stood there and been late to work, cause I love me some Will Smith. I love his wife, too. I watched him on Leno recently and he still is quite the comedian. But I like his more serious roles as well.

Unknown said...

I was waiting to pick someone up at... oh fudge... is it a Raddison that's in City Center across from Daytons? At any rate, i was waiting and this big bus pulled up next to me, and out of the hotel comes the Phoenix Suns basketball team... and Charles Barkley touched my car!!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

I have always loved Will Smith. He's really been blessed in the movie circut... a good guy for sure!

I like his movies... his wife is cute... but I have to admit, he's not on my "laminated" list. ;)


A bus with his face on it ~ now there's an eye-catcher!