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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do You Think She Messes With Her Wiki Page?
Thursday evening I will get to attend the Smart Talk series again! This time, it's with Ms. Diane Keaton.

While she wasn't able to answer any blogger questions as planned, we have been told that she enjoyed our questions and hopes to use them in her lecture.

I took your suggestions and asked her what it was like working with Jack Nicholson, what is next for her, if her clothing line with Ellen is really going to happen (hello? Wide leg trouser pants, anyone?), and how she stays so young.

Being me, I also tried to be witty. The key word here is tried.

I asked her, "Do you ever go onto your Wikipedia page and change the information just to see if anyone is paying attention?"

We'll see if it comes up! I promise to share more about the event on Friday!


Caren said...

laughing..good one!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Great question! I can't wait to see if she answers it. Enjoy.

Rebecca Jo said...

That's a good question... if she didnt before- she may now! :o)

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

Nice! That's actually a GREAT question!

Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day--it meant the world to me!