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Friday, May 22, 2009

Life Like a Scrapbook....
I know you're all on pins and needles waiting to hear how the Diane Keaton lecture went! Well, here it is....my recap of the lecture.

I attended the lecture by myself. I wasn't able to find anyone to go with me as it's the Thursday before Memorial Day. If you are anywhere remotely close to the state of Minnesota you know that Memorial Day is the kick off to summer. It is also the kick off to the weekend commute "up north". I anticipate that today will be a nightmare going up north.

I'm happy to be sticking close to home!

Anyway, because of the timing of the lecture, I had to fly solo. But it's OK! I didn't mind!

I know you all want to know, so I'll tell you. Diane Keaton looked amazing. She wore this skirt. It made me wish I worked out so I could have pulled off her outfit! But in all seriousness, she looked great. She mentioned during the lecture that she will not do any sort of plastic surgery, botox, fillers, etc. All I have to say is....thank God!! I love that she is still natural...and again....stunning.

The lecture itself could be best described as a visual scrapbook. She mentioned that as a child her mom created scrapbooks--but they probably weren't as appreciated as they could have been. She also stated that it wasn't uncommon to have magazine pages as part of collages and scrapbooks growing up!

Diane's lecture was unlike Ms. Rashad's lecture--she showed clips of her mother, her kids, leading men, movies, etc. rather than sitting on the couch and sharing. It literally was her scrapbook. That is the really cool thing about the series--each person who lectures does what they want to do! It's nice to know that every lecture is different.

She has never married ("...I've never been asked!"), yet longed to have a family after her father was diagnosed with a brain tumor, that eventually resulted in his death. Therefore, she adopted two children, her first at 50, her second at 55. She's 63 now. She stated that her love for those two precious faces are more than she could have ever imagined--which gives me hope for when the Big Guy and I adopt!

She talked about her leading men and while she doesn't have a favorite, she did say she enjoyed kissing Jack Nicholson more than Keanu Reeves. Why? Age and experience!

What I took away from this lecture was that Diane wanted us to make memories. It is obviously different for everyone, but she ended her lecture with a great quote: Memories are like pictures captured in your heart.

Go forward, kids....make memories any way you know how. Fill your heart!

On a side note, I did get to meet her and have a photo taken with her. I don't know if I'll ever see that photo (I hope too!), but she was by far very gracious and lovely to chat with. I thanked her for a fun lecture and told her how much I appreciated meeting her. To be honest, I was a little star-struck! However, if I am able to get the photo, I will be sure to post it.


Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

I've always wondered if the 'stars' wore their fancy clothes over again. This is cool to know that she showed up in something she's worn before... and looked fab in it the first time around!

Thanks for the VM! Sorry I missed your call!

Rebecca Jo said...

How exciting is that... & really, Jack was better then Keanu... ewwww... I'd be afraid where that's man mouth has been over the age & experience!!!!

Love to hear her story about adopting late in life too...

Tater Mama said...

Diane Keaton is one of my favorites. I would've been struck dumb if I'd had to speak to her, but it sounds like you did great!

Mammatalk said...

Wow. What an interesting lady.

Caren said...

Wow...how very cool for you! Thanks for sharing.

I live in lower MI and all the crazies (as I refer to them) hit the road and head "up north" too. I'm so happy not to sit in the car for 4 hours for a ride up north. UGH.

Jason, as himself said...

Oh, I really hope you can get that photo.

I'm so glad to know that there are stars out there who refuse to get work done...aging gracefully.

I'm surprised nobody ever asked her to marry!

Caren said...

Hey Girl...quick question outside of the blog...

I am watching your TWINS play ball and the commentator mentioned they are building an outdoor ballpark in MN. How in the heck are you guys going to handle opening day in April??? Brrr... just thinking about it.

OK...that's it...Hoping you and the Big Guy have a great holiday weekend. Caren