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Monday, July 06, 2009

Oh. Really?
I was cleaning the shower this weekend and came across this.

Now, the Big Guy may not have paid attention to what he was buying (I mean, do they really pay attention to soap scents?). It wasn't the fact that he's using a body wash. He's been using a body wash for as long as I can remember.

Yes. He uses a "poof" too.

But I couldn't help it. I got a serious case of the giggles over the phrase attraction enhancing.

Bless his heart.


The Dimino's said...

That's funny!! Maybe he is trying to get your attention!! Ha Ha
Stopping by from sits!

Rebecca Jo said...

That is hilarious! you'll have to see if you are even more attracted to him now!!!!

The Nice One said...

Attraction Enhancing?????!
Have you found yourself way more attracted to him lately?
Good to see my man isn't the only one who uses a poofy and body wash ;)

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

That is funny! Love the name,"MAGNETIC".