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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The New Amy's Angels Site....
OK. There is a little something to share.

After an impromptu team meeting the Friday before Labor Day (read: Amy and I at lunch), we decided to create a team site for our 3-day team.

Wanna check it out? Click here to see it

Now. The big question is: anyone know how to create a drop down menu much like this site? See how you can roll over her header bars and get a drop down? I want that, but have no idea how to do it and people who do know how charge way, way, way too much money.

I think I'm in the wrong business!


Hula Girl at Heart said...

I am a webpage idiot. Sorry. I can tell you what I think looks good, though. Opinions...I'm all over those.

jmmarshak04 said...

Let me check with the computer geek in the house and see if he can help. He has been doing a lot of web design lately in his spare time.

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from sits! Hope you have a GREAT day and I love your Idea of Amy's angels.....so thoughtful and wonderful.

Sassy Chica said...

Best of luck to you and your team, fingers crossed for good weather!!

Sassy Chica

Sorry no clue how to do a dropdown menu.....

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

I got nuttin for you honey. But I do want a button! Can you bring one for me tomorrow??

Dorkys Ramos said...

Cute site! And I'd google around for instructions. I'm also html-dumb, but I've learned some great tips and tricks online.