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Thursday, October 01, 2009

31 Breast Cancer Survivor Stories....

Remember this post...when I talked about Amy doing the filming of her breast cancer story? The one where Amy and I decided to color coordinate without actually planning it?

Well...it's October.
It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
And Amy is a big ol' celebrity!

Amy? Can I have your autograph? On a glossy 8x10?

Anyway, it's being run on various news outlets across the US--mostly your local news station's website (some have a header about Breast Cancer). But I've found a few online today and you can check it out here:


On the 26th, Amy's video will be the featured video. But you can view it now!

From the news page above, find the group of standing people.
Amy is in the 2nd row, 4th from the left.
Click on her face and you can read and hear her story.

I love you, Amy.
You are my hero.

Even if I won't eat chicken that was defrosted on the counter.
Or spinach from a bag.
Or tootsie rolls.


Rebecca Jo said...

How cool!! Heading over right now to see our little celebrity!


Chicken defrosted on a countertop? Who does that? Not me! {slinking away...}

Thank you for stopping by my blog the other day when I was SITS featured blogger!

Megan said...

Such a great survivor story!! Thanks for sharing it!

And thanks for visiting me on my SITS day!! =)

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Dear Amy,
I am so glad you are here! And, you're right, time is a healer. But scars are simply God's reminder of things He's brought us through! I love you and I haven't even met you. Warning: when I am honored enough to get the opportunity to meet you, there will be tears. Kelley will tell you, I don't leave home without a tissue. :)
With love and paper cuts from making cards - Tracy

Dear Kelley,
Thank you for not posting this on a weekday when I'd be crying at my desk at work. You are a true friend... and not for just that reason. I appreciate you more than you can know! I love you too... for founding Amy's Angels - something I can be a part of and believe in. And, I love you for your loyalty to being friends. You are pretty amazing! The Big Guy is one lucky Big Guy! And, I think he knows it too. :) Just sayin'.
Love, Love, Love,