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Friday, February 12, 2010

Take That Lonely Hearts Club....
Today over at Kelly's Korner, we are talking about Valentine's Day. I wanted to share a story about what my college girlfriends and I used to do on Valentine's Day, because honestly, it is something we still talk about--15 years later.
First, let's start with this photo:

Nice bling, huh?
The caption of the photo is "So Long, Lonely Hearts Club!"
What does it mean? Here's the back story....

When I was in college, I was pretty active on campus with student government. One of the groups I was a part of actually organized a 7 state regional conference called MACURH (pronounced Muh-Ker).

Here's a photo of us, circa 1995 the night before the conference.

Nice, eh?

Anyway, the girls in the group--with the exception of one--were single. On Valentines day that year we decided to not be so bummed about not having a date. Instead, we formed our own Lonely Hearts Club.

Sounds depressing, doesn't it?
Quite the opposite, actually! We had so much fun! We went out to dinner, laughed, joked, and enjoyed each other's company. We showed that you don't have to be in a romantic relationship to enjoy the love of valentines day. The love of your friends and family is what really matters.

As time went on, though, the club members shrank.
Boys came and went.
Before we knew it, people were getting married and having babies.

I am grateful for girlfriends and recall that Valentines day as one of the best. As I approach my wedding in a few short months, I'm also kind of excited to say, "See ya later, Lonely Hearts Club" and enjoy my future Valentines Day's with The Big Guy.

Happy Valentines Day to you!


Summer said...

That is AWESOME that ya'll had a girly night for V-Day.... Congrats....that your about to be married.....How AWESOME....

Hope you have a great v-day with the hubs to be....

Happy Friday
Summer :0)

Jessica said...

I'm visiting you from Kelly's today!

I love your idea, too. I'm not single, but I know that I would be susceptible to feeling lonely on Valentine's if I was. I've never thought about the love you have for anyone else...sad, huh?

I think it's because the holiday is driven by media so much.

Rebecca Jo said...

How cool is that! I love that you went out with your friends... because you are right - love isnt just for ONE special other... thats why I give my nieces & grandbabies Valentines - its all about LOVE - of ALL kinds!

Anonymous said...

Who's the hottie in the green plaid vest???

Good times.
Good times.

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

Dear Anonymous:

That hottie would be you (Amy). : )
You crack me up.

The Coupon Centsation said...

Visiting from Kelly's and hope that your V-Day is amazing!

Susan said...

Oh, what a sweet story!!!!

♥Happy Valentine's Day♥

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Cool! Happy Valentines Day. Picked out those wedding shoes yet?