Let's Connect!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Conversation with the BFF....
I have known my BFF, Julie, since 1988. We met at Space Camp.

I went to Space Camp.
I had dreams of being an astronaut.

One semester as an Engineering Major in college will change your perspective pretty darn quick.

Then I became an Math Major. But didn't do so well in Finite Math.
Then I became an Education Major. But then was dismissed for a low GPA. Story for another day.
Then I became an English Major. Because I can write. Not necessarily well, but I can write.


Here is Julie and I at Space Camp, circa 1988.

I can rock the Chuck Taylors, my friends. and will at my wedding, thankyouverymuch.

Yesterday I get into work and as I'm working hard and mentoring my students, checking my gmail account, I had 2 e-mails from Julie's home account. The cool thing about gmail is you get a small preview of the message. Sadly, they were spam.

Julie's account had been hacked.

I e-mailed her at work and went about my day. I got home that evening and in massive blog updating for the 3-day, I logged into google and had 2 more messages from her account. I did what any BFF would do. I called her to give her a hard time.

The conversation went like this:

BFF: Hello?

Me: You know, I love you, but I'm tired of your MSN account sending me junk e-mail

BFF: The Hubs is fixing it now.

Hubs (in the background): tell her about your phone call to me

BFF: Yeah, I got your e-mail and didn't think anything of it. But then at work all day people were saying to me, "What am I supposed to be looking at in this e-mail." I thought they had gotten the picture update of the kids. But then it hit me that people were getting a bunch of junk. So, I called the Hubs and said, "OH MY GOD!!! SOMEONE BROKE INTO OUR HOUSE AND IS USING OUR COMPUTER TO SEND OUT JUNK AND SPAM MESSAGES!!!!"

Me: No one broke into your house.

BFF: I don't get it. We have spyware.

Me: Doesn't matter. Hackers are smart.

BFF: Do you think they drove around trying to pick up wireless signals?

Me: No.

BFF: People do that you know.

Me: I know. But no. They didn't do that. It could be from anything--online purchases where you had to set up a username and password, for example.

BFF: Oh.

Hubs (in the background): Our computer is out of memory

BFF: Apparently it's a memory thing.

Me: Ummm. No. It has nothing to do with the memory. YOU'VE BEEN HACKED.


Rebecca Jo said...

Yeah... my brain would understand hacking like your friend! :)

But what I want to know more of is about SPACE CAMP!!!!! That's awesome! And I loved that stupid, campy movie "Space Camp" where the kids ended up going into space because of the computer friend.. haha!!

The Daily Dean Chronicals said...

I love that the dream of being an astronaut has not died!!! Funny story about hacking!! When I first explained about being hacked to my parents they thought I meant that it was coughing! Nice huh!
Happy Spring!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

This from someone who drove around her new neighborhood to find free wi-fi to update her blog? Hmm...

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I hate that Space Camp wasn't available to me as a kid. I would have been all over that.

Chuck Taylors at the wedding? Cool. Can't wait to see them.