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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Yes. I Talk A Lot With My Hands....
OK. So on Monday I talked about being on Mall Cops.

The episode is up.


I'm at 3:34 mark.
At least I didn't talk about manure.
And that's Tracy standing next to me. Either she's really into what I'm saying or she's thinking, "wow....you talk a lot with your hands."

Enjoy! Happy Wednesday!


jmmarshak04 said...

Very nice. We had Tivo'd it and it got deleted early because a certain someone is also recording all the World Cup games and is using all the space on the hard drive. Glad it was available on-line so I could revel in your moment of fame!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Holy Crap! Why am I contorting my face like that?? You look fabulous! I look like a circus act!

Amy said...

That's awesome! Love that you had a cameo appearance on MALL COPS! OK, I've seen this show one other time and it is really weird to me to see my local mall featured on television. Now I am hooked and have to go finish watching the episode!