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Friday, October 15, 2010

Props + Creativity + Fun Photographer = Awesome Reception Photos (or Blackmail Photos...take your pick)....
I think the photos and the blog title speak for themselves....

(that's Tracy...the one who commented, "Oh Crap.")

(I swear...hand to God...that we did not pose her for this photo. She did this all on her own without any coaching or posing!)

(yes. That's my husband. God love him.)


Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

oh crap.

Rebecca Jo said...

These are stinkin' AWESOME!!!!!!!!

I love people played along!!!

And I think you have a little diva on your hands with that little girl - that's a pose meant for stardom!!!

Jason, as himself said...

Whoa! This is so much fun! I'm sure it was a wonderful, wonderful time.