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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Skinny Jeans? No Thanks....
Can someone please explain this to me?

I do not understand how someone in the fashion industry, got all the other fashion designers and all the people who live and eat and sleep fashion, to buy into the fact that skinny jeans are a good thing.

What were they thinking?

I swear that if someone takes away my boot-cut jeans I'm going to have hurt someone.

photos from Google Images


Unknown said...

I agree. I am not a fan of skinny jeans! ICK! And especially on boys. I want to throw up every time I see it. All the kids are doing it. I sure wish they would do something cool like we did when we were young. You know, peg the jeans or something : )

Rebecca Jo said...

Isnt the point of jeans is to be comfortable? Those look like she couldnt even sit down... & if she does, you KNOW her butt crack is going to be out for the world to see...

And dont get me started on how you can only be a size 2 to wear them anyways... I hate fashion...

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

skinny jeans + my thighes = a funniest home video

Mark said...

Is that you in the first picture?

Jason, as himself said...

I know. I hate skinny jeans.

And by the way? The model in the first photo is 9.