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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

And I Thought I was a Picky Eater....
You know that dinner wasn't very good when:
1.  You eat half of your serving, and instead have a bagel with peanut butter
2.  Your husband doesn't want to keep the left overs

3.  The farm dog doesn't even want to eat it.
Curious?  It was this, but I used tri-color-veggie pasta rather than spaghetti.


Mark said...

That is so sad. But really funny too! You poor thing.

Rebecca Jo said...

What IS it??? Its pasta so it cant be THAT bad... right?.... apparently wrong...

Anonymous said...

Remembering tales of my mother's first lasagna.

My father buried it to prevent the dog from eating it.

--The Big Guy (sorry, Mom!)

(PS--I'm going to bury the pasta primavera. Seems fitting.)