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Friday, April 08, 2011

Farm Friday:  Shoveling Dirt is Dangerous....

I came home earlier this week to see my husband, the Big Guy, out in the front yard with a spade shovel, a 5 gallon bucket, and a pile of dirt that had been scraped up earlier this winter from the driveway.  He was scooping up the dirt and putting it back into the driveway to help fill in some of the deep tire tracks we've created in the soggy, gravel driveway.

Here he is....talking about who knows what with one of his friends hard at work.

As I looked out the kitchen window I couldn't help but notice that my husband was wearing a gun holster, which--yes--contained a handgun.

Scooping up driveway dirt is a dangerous job.
Thankfully, I've got my husband to protect me!

And for the record, my husband's hobby is a gun collecting.  
They are all locked in a gun safe and are stored unloaded.
We take gun safety seriously.


Mark said...

I like a man who packs a gun.
You should wear one too. I'm sure that you could find a holster to match every outfit.
Your Friend, m.
NRA forever!

Rebecca Jo said...

I'll wear a gun holster.. but fill it with knitting needles.

hey - they can be just as dangerous! :)

Jason, as himself said...

That's so funny...but I still don't understand why he felt the need to wear his gun while digging dirt!