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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Only Fur Comes from the Cat....
I was in Chicago last week for a work trip.  I stayed at the very swanky & very, very, very expensive Fairmont Hotel.  

I totally love going through the drawers and snagging the free stuff in a hotel.  As I was reading the hotel "book" (you know...the book with the room service menu, hours of operations, etc) I noticed this:

I'll just be over here eating the banana bread that I brought from home and drinking water out of the tap.


Rebecca Jo said...

My only fur vault is the corner where my dog hair gathers every day :)

Mark said...

Poor you. And I mean that!
Too funny!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

I like to travel with a hot dog in my bag. After a little while, it sometimes gets furry. Does that count?