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Friday, April 22, 2011

Farm Friday (OK, not really....)
I know that normally I do a fun, random posting about life on the Farm on Friday.
But today, I'm writing a very short post because I have such exciting news.

As of this morning, (actually, as of about 10 minutes ago because I just made the online payment)....


I am no expert, but really, we just made a commitment to spending less, saving more and paying off the debt a little at a time and wala!  Paid off.

Thank you for allowing me to shout out my news!
Happy Friday and Happy Easter everyone!


Tater Mama said...

Congratulations! That's GREAT!

Mark said...

I love it!
Congratulations! It really is a wonderful feeling.
And for once, I won't follow it up with a smart-ass comment.
Your Friend, m.

Rebecca Jo said...

Oh my gosh... that is AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC!!!!

High-fiving you!

Tara said...

Congrats! So Amazing! Did you start this Jan 2010 with the money challenge?

Dorkys Ramos said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to say the same about my student loan. That Sallie Mae is no freakin' joke! But at least I've never had to worry about credit card debt since I always pay in full. Kudos on the milestone!