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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Apparently I'm too Young....

My grandpa was in town the other day to visit a medical specialist in town.  He stayed with us for a night and we had a really nice visit.  After dinner he asked the Big Guy to go out to the car and get an envelope sitting in the front seat.  He grabs the envelope, gives it to my grandpa and I notice it's full of photos.

I said to my grandpa, "there aren't a bunch of naughty photos in that envelope, is there?"
He held the envelope close to his chest like he was trying to hide it from me.  He said, "I don't think you're old enough to look at these...."

And then he flashed that good ol' grandpa grin and showed me this:
(Yes.  I took a photo of a photo)

He then proclaimed, "I have this blown up to an 8x10 at home."

Let's hope we're all smiling this big when we're 83 years old!


Tracy Griffin - Artist said...


I hope I can make a man happy by wearing fishnets at that age!

You GO grandpa's girlfriend!!

Rebecca Jo said...

Their smiles say it all!!!

What an amazing set of grandparents you have! Wonderful examples of happiness in marriage!

Never too old to have fun!

Mark said...

Young at heart!