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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dear Neighbors....

Dear Neighbors....

Should you find our mail blowing around in the field....or in the cow pasture....or in your vegetable garden, please bring it back our way.

Thanks to the company installing the natural gas pipeline right on the property line, they not only ran into our mailbox post, but they ran into it so hard, they snapped the board securing the mailbox to the post in half, ripped the mailbox off the board, yanked off the mailbox "door" and left the mailbox laying in the ditch.

Never mind that they couldn't be bothered to pick up the mailbox and bring it to my father-in-law when they came by the apologize.  No.  Just leave it in the ditch--on a windy day.  We won't be having this problem again, because they've offered to pay for a replacement mailbox.

But, until we get it put back together, lets hope that there aren't any bills....or important paperwork blowing around the country side.  If so, send them our way please.

Your neighbors down the road.


Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Thank GOD you received your passport before this happened!

Rebecca Jo said...

I'd tell the people who found my bills to keep 'em :)

Mark said...

And your Publishers Clearance House Check was probably in there too!