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Friday, June 22, 2012

Thank You Captain Obvious....

Sunday night we had some strong storms roll through here.  Gusty winds that rattled the windows, hail, pouring rain.....needless to say, I didn't sleep all that well and it was a 2 cup of coffee morning on Monday.  For some, a good thunderstorm is the perfect sleeping pill.  For me?  Out on the farm?  Away from sirens?  I hate it.

We have satellite TV and because of the storms, the signal went out.  Thankfully I could still access the internet.  As I kept refreshing the webpage for the Weather Channel, I couldn't help but notice this:

I had no idea I was in the middle of a thunderstorm!  That would explain why the dog had no intention of going outside.....gee....thanks!

I mean, are people really that clueless?

1 comment:

Mark said...

Maybe some people are just too lazy to get off the couch and go look out the window. Now see how helpful that could be! ha!
Your Friend, m.