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Monday, June 18, 2012

We have a dog park?!?

Last week I was taking a walk around campus during lunch and I came across the "Dog Enrichment Area." (aka....a dog park used by the vet tech. program at my college).  This fenced in little area has a bench, trees, well kept grass, a trash bin for doggie doo's and even plastic bags to boot!

I contacted the chair of the Vet Tech program and said, "is this for anyone?"  He replied, "Sure!  It's a little more restricted during the school year, but help yourself!"


I loaded up the dog and off we went on Sunday.

We ran.

We looked.

We tried to figure out what that big plastic covered thing was and why the wind caused the plastic to rustle.

We drank water.

We chased a ball.

All before we got home and the rain started to pour.

I think it was a good day. 


Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

That's one HAPPY looking pooch!

Rebecca Jo said...

AHHH - A dogs life!!
To have the energy they have... but of course, they also sleep 18 hours a day :)
Cant believe how big your baby has gotten!!!!

Mark said...

At least your dog's smiling!

Dorkys Ramos said...

He looks like he's reached Nirvana.