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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I Blame it on the Box of Old Toys...

I know.
I know.

I promised photos from our trip.  I just finished our Shutterfly book, so I've made heads and tails of the over 600 pictures (seriously).

But I've now been side tracked by a box of old toys.

This weekend, I have two little ones coming to my house for a visit and I needed to pull out the old toys  to provide them a little something to do while I visit with their mama and other friends.

As I dug out the toys, I was instantly transported back to 1975.  Do these bring back memories?

Did you have any of these toys?  I LOVED the Richard Scarry sets.  Granted, my set is missing 98% of the parts (go figure).

Of course, this has me the most perplexed.

I was a Girl Scout, but I don't recall this patch at all.
Hairbrushes?  Mirrors?  A good grooming patch?  



Rebecca Jo said...

I went through my old boxes when my parents moved & there is just nothing like digging in old memories... time travel is possible :)

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

I have that Fischer Price doll house! Two years ago when my folks sold the country house we went through all the old stuff! It was so fun and a little sad to go through everything again. Does the doorbell on your doll house still work? Mine does!!